Coyote's Fireside

My Podcast:郊狼野火堆(Coyote's Fireside)

I'm Buwalki, the orange coyote, a therian. Therian is who identified themselves as animals. 10 years ago, I found myself a therian.

In 2019, I decided to make a podcast to share my experience. Hope I can help people who have the same situation like me to understand more about themselves.

However, The podcast is only recorded in Madarin, because there're already tons of information in English. And only few in Madarin. That's why I choose my mother tongue.

I want to help people who speak my language and may have diffculty with English. Which means the content below would be only in Madarin. But if you have any questions, you can ask me via Email provided in homepage. I would love to answer. :3

Main Site:

Right this page down below

Other Platforms:

Spotify、Google podcast、iTunes


S01E01 第一集 你好,我是橘色的郊狼


  1. 自我介紹與Podcast內容介紹
  2. 名詞解釋,簡略解釋專有名詞:獸迷、獸圈、獸設、Therian、Otherkin、Polytherian、覺醒
  3. 獸設建立與我的獸設

S01E02 第二集 所以,我是誰


  1. 過去的個性,小時候性格說明
  2. 覺醒契機,發現獸圈
  3. 佐證郊狼的信仰

S01E03 第三集 覺醒,從不是人到當人

是Therian的神奇時刻,也是Therian開始探索真正自己的起點,每個Therian都會有自己的覺醒故事。 接下來我要描述,「覺醒」後心境上的變化。

  1. 覺醒初期「混沌的起點」
  2. 覺醒中期「焦慮,以及討厭自己的自己」
  3. 覺醒晚期「向外人承認自己」

S01E04 第四集 幻肢,我那看不見的尾巴


  1. 什麼是幻肢解釋,以及發生頻率。
  2. 我自己的幻肢經驗
  3. 歌曲分享—《The Human Tail 》 by Kurrel The Raven
  4. 關於Therian信仰的反思

S01E05 第五集 創作與成長


  1. 我的架站契機、關於休閒的類型
  2. webcomic類型網站的特點與缺點:推薦網站《Oh Joy Sex Toy》
  3. 學習如何學習、創作的目的
  4. 關於Therian信仰的反思